Our Headway Members Eisteddfod Success!

Our Headway Jersey Arts and Craft’s Group had much to celebrate at the Eisteddfod.
They came away with a host of very well deserved awards, which are a measure of their dedication over the past year, including:
The Group entry for the ‘Headway Butterfly Garden’ won the Edward Le Quesne Trophy.
Dina won the Embroiders Guild trophy for ‘Lavender in Provence’
Sue took away the Endeavour Award for ‘Harvest Time’
Paul won the Robert Le Brocq Trophy for ‘Mixed Media’
Milly’s ‘Archirondel’ and ‘My dream Home in Tuscany’ won 2 x Gold
Diane’s ‘Into The Woods’ and Floral Embroidery along with her other designs were awarded 2 x Platinum and 2 x Gold and
Jane’s ‘Springtime’ landscape embroidery also received Gold.
Congratulations to you all and a very big thank you to Alli, our Arts and Crafts Co-ordinator and her assistant Tina for their tremendous support.