Our Team


The Headway Jersey team is made up of a small team of staff and many volunteers who assist within the Headway Jersey Centre, in our office, and at our Charity shop.

Headway Jersey Centre

Nadia Applegate – Neuro-Physiotherapist
Emilia Kielbasa – Craniosacral Therapist

Alli Carroll – Activities Co-ordinator
Sandra Wilkinson – Activities Co-ordinator
Theresa Radiguet – Activities and Projects Co-ordinator

Steve Le Long – Driver and Facilities Co-Ordinator
David Sheppard – Part Time Driver

Karen De Gouveia – General Manager
Judy Ridley – Finance Manager
Sarah Le Page – Fundraising and Marketing Manager

Headway Jersey Shop

Jeremy Strickland – Shop Manager


Sue Sharkey
Sue and James Garry
Ana Goncalves
Harry Mc Alinden


Dr Karen Kyd


John Refault – Chairperson
Julia Quenault
– Treasurer and Secretary
Kevin Hart
Ian Gallichan
Gordon Pollock